That Krazy Kat...King Louis

Louis Prima. What can you say? The man who gave swing a vibrant energy, Prima was quite the talented trumpet player who was influenced by Louis Armstrong and the rich heritage of his hometown of New Orleans. He was best known for his performances with singer Keely Smith, and for his Las Vegas nightclub show during the 1950's. Prima's unique, rambunctious on stage persona put his band in high demand among some of entertainment's finest. The Brat Pack were known to frequent Prima's show once they had completed their nightly acts.

In 1967, Prima signed on to voice the character of King Louis in Disney's Jungle Book, which he performed the hit song "I Wanna Be Like You" on the soundtrack. King Louis was considered to be an exact portrayal of Prima's personality.

Some of Louis Prima's most famous songs:

Buona Sera
Jump Jive An 'Wail
Just A Gigolo
That Old Black Magic - Won Grammy in 1958 for this rendition with Keely Smith
Sing Sing Sing
Oh Marie
Night Train
The Lip
I've Got the World on a String

Prima will always be remembered for his energy while performing. His crazed antics, charming personality, and talented trumpet playing are what truly make him that krazy kat... King Louis. Enjoy!


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